Christian men are called to lead their lives within the distantly placed bookends the bible set for us via the perfect example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God. It isn’t either or, it is both.
The Lion is power, authority and victory. Fully armored, standing on the Word able to lead. The Lamb is purity, innocence and submission, willing to sacrifice for the sake of others, to redeem, fully able to love. Lion and Lamb.
Inherent in this is a man’s responsibility to know how to lead himself and others and how to submit to Him. When to speak up on behalf of the mute, and when to remain silent, patiently waiting on the Lord, to listen. When to take up arms and when to turn the other cheek. How to get dirty at work, so as to provide, and how to wash her in the water of the Word. How to renew our minds, yet stay steadfast in the truth. How to teach, to lead, and to love. Emptied of us, full of Him. Broken and complete.
We can’t become the lion until we are willing to be the lamb. To sacrifice, to surrender, to empty ourselves of ourselves, to become formable clay on His wheel, in His hands. Only then can we lead.
Jesus beckoned many times “Follow me.” Come to the throne and the right hand of God via the cross. Die and reign.
The power of the lion is accessed via the surrender of the lamb.